Conscious Conversations
Are you ready to review and Redefine the Underlying Beliefs that create your physical reality?
Are those protection mechanisms you set up in childhood getting a bit old?
Belief Reset Inquiry Sessions Available in March by Donation
Hi fellow travellers,
Are you:
wanting to take life in a certain direction and feeling stuck & not sure why?
Having challenges and want to understand why a certain part of your life feels so difficult,
Know there is some bogus Wiring under the hood but just not sure where to begin?
Then this gentle, yet powerful inquiry process may be for you….
About Me
Hi, my name is Troy. I Teach different musical instruments etc and have been doing so for about seven years. However before that, I was very passionate about running these personal transformation sessions. I’ve trained and practiced in EFT tapping, the work of Byron Katie, matrix re-imprinting, Reiki, and physical awareness practices like yoga and meditation .
The process I’m talking about here is an inquiry process and not going into old memories etc. It’s more gentle, but no less powerful.

I used to love these sessions and have decided to start running them again. I’m not ready to dive in fully and open up a clinic, but it would be my pleasure to have some of you sign up for a session and help yourself and me at the same time.
In these sessions, you will experience gentle questions, leading you towards questioning and redefining your beliefs and your internal reality. The process sets up new neural pathways of thinking & feeling, that once practiced, can change your physical experience.
All sessions are conducted in a sacred and confidential container.
The questioning process is also something you can repeat on your own once you leave.
Sessions go for up to 1.5 hours and are over the phone, Video, or in person in Pie Creek.
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I previously charged $150 for these sessions, and have had over five years break, so am happy to offer them by donation while I get back in the flow. There is no expectation of what amount you should offer. It truly is up to you!
If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate feedback about your experience to help other people who will be paying full price for the process in the future.
Complete the form HERE to Book in your free 15 minute phone chat to discuss the process is for you.
I Look forward to supporting you to gain clarity and be the person you want to be.
Warm Regards
Preparing for your Session
Drink plenty of water in the lead-up to the Session
If possible, wear headphones. This will give you a clearer experience of the dialogue and allow you to focus more clearly.
Prepare a safe / nurturing space where you can be away from all distractions. This could be in your car, a room in your house, park, or wherever you feel comfortable to experience the session.
Arrange for a distraction free hour and a half. Ensure people know you are not available during that time.
During the Conversation, shifts may happen, so allow yourself the freedom to shout, cry, or express yourself in any way required.
Finally, ensure you have at least 20 minutes after the conversation free to just be and come back to normal functioning consciousness. You may go quite deep in here and it's important not to have to rush back into work or home duties.​​
Feedback from Transformation Sessions
"Hi Troy, Many thanks for today. You are an angel in this world. My son feels lighter after the conversation. Interesting how the universe works, maybe the session was meant for him all along."
Kara (Perth )
After our session I’m finding it a little difficult to believe, but I have shifted and for the first time in a long time I feel positive and looking forward to the future:) It almost seems that I haven’t really done enough to have moved past my heavy heart, yet I seem to have done exactly that!….. So simple, yet incredibly powerful. I awoke on Thursday with a lightness of attitude and for the first time in a very long time, my mind wasn’t racing over all the ‘thoughts’. I actually think there have been moments….long moments….where I haven’t even had a thought. That is incredibly amazing to me as I am ALWAYS thinking about something! All I can say is WOW! It is now Saturday and I feel strong and empowered to get on with my life :)
D Jones (Sunshine Coast)
Dear Troy, Thank you so much for today! A heavy weight is finally gone and I feel very light and easy.
It is wonderful to work with you, I really love our sessions because I can see how much I have improved since we started.
You are a great supporter and it comes natural to open up, you are just there to help to shift from old beliefs. Love your work!
Thank you for sharing the experience!
Kathrin (Brisbane)
Heartfelt thanks to Troy who today created a sacred space of powerful healing that I may transcend limitation in my life and embrace completely a larger landscape for the illumination of my soul's perfect plan...namaste
Tanya (Gold Goast)
I have had several healing sessions with Troy over the phone and he is a kind caring and gifted practitioner. He has helped me clear some blockages and bring clarity to past events with ease and grace. Now that they have been dissolved I am so much closer to realizing my dreams... Thanks Troy!
Indira (Canberra)
I recently had a session over the phone with Troy and it was pretty amazing. He made me aware of a very old childhood pattern and then helped to shift it dramatically using some very advanced EFT and energy healing techniques. Very impressive stuff.
Matthew (Sunshine Coast -Qld)
Doing a session over the phone with Troy was amazing... Just as if he was right with me. I had a VERY powerful shift with one of my core issues. Aaron is a master at holding safe space and guiding with EFT thru the most difficult situations... Resulting in a lifting of a burden i'd carried for 49 years. Cleared in 40 minutes of clear, precise caring EFT process. You were my angel that day. Thanks Troy
Satina (Gold Coast-Qld)